"Grandpa Kirk!" and more life updates...

Here's some life updates...

Our baby girl had a baby girl, making my wife and I grandparents for the first time! I dashed away from work in Texas when I got the news that she was on the way in Colorado. She is so tiny, so precious, so beautiful!

Our lives are changed and we are all in love with Maya Jeanne Noble Bower...

As my family enters this new season of our lives with Chelsea and I as grandparents, some children as new parents, and others as aunts and uncles, all of us are thinking more than ever about what it means to truly train up a child in the way [he/she] should go” (Proverbs 22:6). One of the ways to do this is to ensure that as your children grow, they see your faith being integrated into every area of your life. They need to see that you never have to give it up or support things you don't believe. Nowadays, anti-biblical values are being pushed in every area of modern life, including through procedures—like abortion or sex change operations—that traditional insurance companies provide. I recently started using a Christian alternative to traditional healthcare, called Christian Healthcare Ministries (CHM), and these are just a few of the reasons I am such a wholehearted supporter of what they are doing…

  • CHM is a membership-based, nonprofit ministry. As part of a biblical covenant, CHM members step in and help fellow brothers and sisters in Christ pay eligible medical bills.

  • CHM doesn’t share for medical needs that are not in alignment with Scripture, so you can rest assured that your monthly contribution helps fellow likeminded Christians

  • CHM allows you to provide examples of any medical bills you don’t want your money to support, to ensure that you have full freedom and confidence, knowing your monthly contributions will be used in alignment with your personal beliefs.

If you click the button below, you can download a simple comparison between CHM and other healthcare options, which really puts into perspective all the blessings that CHM provides.

In other recent news… We just completed filming 2 seasons of my new children's TV show called "Adventures with Iggy and Mr. Kirk" due to air in October, 2024. My hopes and expectations for its production quality and moral/spiritual value have been far exceeded! Imagine a show where every episode entertains your kids, teaches them how to discern right from wrong and increases their love for the Truth! I can’t wait for you and your kids to see it.

Will I see you at the library? After two years of reading children's books in public libraries amidst of both enthusiastic opposition and great support, I am excited to host the national "See You At the Library" day on August 24th, taking place in over 350 public libraries in all 50 states! Gather with 35,000 people across America to sing, pray, and read your favorite children's book as we are the world record (Guineas World Record has been invited to record) for the world's largest story hour in history! Learn more at www.BraveBooks.com

And last but not least… We're on fire!!

My sons and I have reignited the American Campfire Revival for the last 100 days leading up to the elections. We are praying together as the family of faith, working though my new book "Born to Be Brave: How to Be a Part of America's Spriritual Comeback. Every Sunday and Tuesday LIVE at 8 PM ET on Facebook, YouTube, and X. Join us for weekly hope and fiery enCOURAGEement!

I will leave you with this quote that inspired me this past week from Olympic gold medalist Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone.

She comes from a line of phenomenal athletes. But what is truly impressive about her is her line of thinking. She said of her past, "If I won, that was my worth, my value. If I was loved, that was my worth, my value. But with Christ, being able to redirect that to him — that being the center and the focus of my identity ... has helped everything else in my life to fall into place as it should be, which has been a blessing that’s helped on and off the track."